Monday, September 22, 2008

Trap Souris: The End Of The World

Two special editions for THE END OF THE WORLD exhibition at Wm Turner Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia. the Red, White and Blue "trap souris," is in an edition of 39 in a signed and numbered gift box with clear plastic tops. The "gold" edition is also signed, but not numbered. There are not many left. Each specially produced box is only $99. (PayPal accepted).

They are "survival machines" for the end of the world, by artist Matthew Rose, in the spirit of Flux Boxes. (Think: Food). And while you're thinking "food" think Sarah Palin, John McCain, Barack Obama and the teetering economy, global warming, global chaos and more wars and general disintegration.  So, get your trap souris today! (And put it on eBay tomorrow!).

The exhibition, which opened on 18 September runs through 15 October. Address: Wm Turner Gallery, The Stove Works, 112 Krog Street, Atlanta, Georgia.

The edition of "trap souris" are limited and designed specially for the exhibition. Click on each image to get a giant-sized view of the art works. Order yours today! Only $99. David at wmturnergallery dot com.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sparkasse : New Print For Keep Calm Gallery

Sparkasse, a new print by Matthew Rose from LALANDE DIGITAL ART PRESS PARIS for Keep Calm Gallery, (UK), is now available. The print, in an edition of 50, signed and numbered by the artist, measures 38 x 27 cm, with a border of 4 cm on 300 gram acid-free archival paper. Printed on the Epson 9600 by master printer Robert Ruscoe, Sparkasse is the seventh print the artist has produced for Keep Calm, three of which have sold out.

Sparkasse, "savings bank" in German, was originally exhibited at Galerie Rossella Junck in Berlin. The piece is part of the suite from the exhibition entitled A KICK IN THE KUNST. The artist's next exhibition is THE END OF THE WORLD, the inaugural exhibition at Wm Turner Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia, opening 18 September.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ricardo Bloch: Huckleberry Dick

Huckleberry Dick began as a collage work by Ricardo Bloch in 1995, and has now been published as a facsimile of the original, in a limited-edition of 250 copies, printed by Lalande Digital Art Press.

Copies are available directly from the author for only 15€ plus shipping.

Using the classic glue and scissors technique, during an obsessive spell in a cabin by Lake Superior in the summer of 1995, Ricardo blended Classics Illustrated adaptations of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Moby Dick. Starting with page one, and using two copies of each comic book, Ricardo advanced page by page until the climactic page 48. Images and/or fragments of text were cut and pasted to create a seemingly seamless hybrid story. The task was facilitated, or in fact made possible, because both Huckleberry Finn and Moby Dick are first person narratives that recount tales of personal discovery, of boats and water, and of a friendship with a man of color.

It may not completely surprise those that have read the books, that the coupling of the two stories has brought to light the subliminal homoerotic themes underlying their narratives.

Click here now to purchase your copy of the very collectible Huckleberry Dick.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

McCain Palin Campaign Ad

Maverick? Or complete Jackass? Campaign Poster of the Year. Blog it, print it, e mail it. Spread it around.

See below for the Obama poster.

SEE MORE WORK BY THE ARTIST: Collage by Matthew Rose.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin, Baby!

Sarah Palin. Our next Vice President? Not pregnant here, that's for sure. She's going to be a grandmother? Holy wow! Talk about Store Front Windows! As it turns out, this photo is a fake. See here for the inside story on fake Sarah Palin photos (there's a fake one of her posing in a bikini and holding a rifle).

HEY KIDS! NOW that you're here, CLICK HERE to enjoy my music video (for drilling for dollars, babe, Sarah Palin).