Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Got milk? LAIT, a Matthew Rose collage on bottle assemblage work from 1993, will be part of MORE THAN WORDS at JAGGEDART in London.  In addition, a series of collage works on paper from the series America as well as the silkscreened edition text works PAINTINGS will be on view.

The exhibition brings together eight artists (Sara J. Beazley, Jeremy May, Maria Noel, Francisco Prieto, Priscilla Purcell, Patricia Swannell, Thurle Wright, Matthew Rose) working with text, script, fonts, writing, printing and language opening on 16 May 2012, with a private view on 23 May.  The exhibition runs through 16 June 2012.

Right: Installation shot of Matthew Rose's PAINTINGS silkscreen works.  From left to right are the word as image works for Vermeer, Rembrandt and Morandi.  The entire edition (unframed) is also available at the gallery. Edition is 10; 7 works in the series. Click image to enlarge.

The show is filled with other word-inspired works that sometimes require glasses and often times a taste for text, or at least books.  In fact, one of the artists has sculpted the inside pages of various hardcover books and produced jewelry out of the composites of the pages.  Worth a close read, this show.

Jaggedart  28A Devonshire Street
London W1G 6PS  England UK
Telephone : + 44 (0)20 7486 7374

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