Monday, March 11, 2013

What is Europe? Mail Art Call

Eurovisionen/Visions of Europe
What is your image of Europe? Cheese? Beer? Wine? Love? The Euro? Political union?  Whatever you think of Europe, the Stefan Brand-Stifter, the German artist wants to know. And he wants to know in the form of mail art.

Produce your mail art and mail it to him.  The collection will reflect the current views on Europe – and it can be anything – and all these works will be displayed in September 2013 exhibition at the Mainzer KunstZwerg Festival at Rinckenhof, Zweibrücken, Germany. 

Please send your works by post to:

Stefan Brand-Stifter
Kaiserstraße 43, 
55116 Mainz Germany

Deadline: August 20, 2013.

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