Well A...it's AMAZING and not expensive at ALL! And B the BOOK is only 10 euros, plus postage. And C... MISTER ROSE'S ABC BOOK is ready for CHRISTMAS. We will send your ABC anywhere in the world. (Pay with PayPal. It's EASY).
LALANDE DIGITAL ART PRESS PARIS is taking orders now! So avoid the Christmas rush and save a buck. Teach your kids to read even if your kids are Chinese or Russian or French or German or Italian or Brazilian or from Spain! And once you have MISTER ROSE'S ABC BOOK, you can read along with MISTER ROSE on his YouTube Video.
CLICK HERE : TO ORDER YOUR OWN SIGNED COPY (or your own many copies) of MISTER ROSE'S ABC BOOK. Get 10 of them and spread them around to all your friends and your friends' kids and your kid's friends. Want to offer MISTER ROSE'S ABC BOOK in your boutique or bookstore? Well, we do that too!